Bit of a Photo Wall thing..

The kind of Gold you'd find in the 'Cave' Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Noel at rest in room 'R'(after consumption of photo subject above)
'Still life with biscuit-n-doob' 'R'
First Snow EVER for Michelle, Marina and Dominique!!!... Tim..? not too impressed... ...??... Dunno ...Arnaud and I are either drumming ...or betting on a hamster-fight.....
Colin, the guy in the middle and Kashif ...Halloween probably '96
That was just the fashion of the day ...
Michelle and Salim before we left for Australia... The raw energy food an artist like Matty P.heartily endorses
Yeah, ..Mounir's lookin' pretty 'happy' And finally.... yes... those shiny spandex pants accessorised with the busted guitar neck and beautifully pulled together with the Bjork hair. Very very very nice.....

The benning of ....

"Jackie Kennedy, the manager at the time decided to start to paint all the wall of the hostel with artwork. See below an example of the work done by Matty P in 1996..... 10 Years later the paiting are still on the wall. "
Unfortunately, the cave had to close...

Matty P (1996) Jerry hard out !!
Reto and billy
John and Seb Hi Jerry I think I still have this adidash jacket somewhere !!
Billy, Marina , Dominique , John
Noel Kashif, Verity and Nick Matty P Arnaud on the go !!
If you have some pics you want to add, please send them